Exciting news! I’m working on a brand new fiction serious with Walker Books. I’ve been dying to tell you about this for ages and finally the cat’s out of the bag!
It’s all about Rex. He’s a dinosaur who, after a bit of an ice age, finds himself in the modern age, all alone in the big city.
This is bad news for Rex. If the humans got a whiff of such a rare creature amongst them Rex would find himself locked up in a zoo, and the subject of many dubious documentaries, before he could bat an eyelid.
Meet Rex, in all his glory.
Nessy, Bigfoot and Mr Dodo.
Lucky for Rex, he’s not the only undercover creature living secretly in the city. He’s soon spotted by Bigfoot, or Brian Foot as he’s know to the humans. He’s been living in the city, disguised as a hairy human, for years.
He takes Rex back to his flat and with the help of Nessy the Loch Ness Monster, (or the lifeguard at the local leisure centre as she is now) and Mr Dodo (small business owner, fast food entrepreneur and dodo) they teach Rex how to act just like human and keep their secret.
When you’re a prehistoric creature though, it’s not exactly easy pretending to fit in with the human world. How exactly does money work? Where do you put socks? What do pencils do? And, trickiest of all, how do you get a job?
There’s one human in particular that Rex just isn’t fooling. Sandra Shellman, Bigfoot’s downstairs neighbor, might be 9-and-a-third but she just knows there’s something strange about that Mr Rex who’s moved in upstairs. This is one mystery she’s determined to solve, even if she has to do it on her own.
No one’s fooling Sandra.
Rex: Dinosaur in Disguise is out Spring 2022 and I hope you’ll catch up with him then to see how he’s doing. Afterall, it’s not easy being a dinosaur in a human world, and he needs all the help he can get.